Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ok, I will figure this out.

I refused to be beat by this blog. I don't post because I can't make it look how I want and that really bugs me so I will figure it out. I was sitting here thinking I really need to start creating again. I never do because I say I can't afford it, I don't have the space, I am still learning new skills, etc. I will always have an excuse so I head into the new year with High hopes of finally getting these ideas out of my mind and onto furniture, canvas and paper. So I leave you with a few things that are inspiring me these days. Box 64 studioI would loooove an office like this. I would probably get nothing done because I would be riding the ladder for hours!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Ok, so I obviously need help posting more frequently then every few weeks. I think it is because I don't know how to make this page look like what I want it to and I have a hard time posting pictures. How lame am I, 24 and I can't figure out how to use a blog. Went to the womens retreat with my church and a few others in Vail this past weekend. We had such a great time roaming around the hotel in our robes, swimming in the mountains in the rain, searching for coffee every free second, enjoying great worship and doing business with God. The retreats theme was the Holy Spirit. Though I feel like I know quite a bit about the Holy Spirit is was good to be reminded about His working in my life to empower me, to be reminded about the gifts of the Spirit and to seek God about what Gifts He has given me. Great weekend!
Also, I am hosting a Crafting Christmas party. The idea is to get together one night and everyone contributes ideas for something to make for someone else for Christmas. It could be smething that can be handmade or a recipe for those who aren't to crafty. The whole point is to make things for people because we can make it so much more personnal and we can make it so much more cost effective. Anyways, it is coming up so I need to hit the thrift stores so start looking for frames for an idea that I will post about once I finish. Hope you guys have a great weekend. Hopefully I dont wait so long to post again.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

T-shirt party

Wow, I really need to get on this blog thing. I didn't realize how long it had been since the last one. Owen has been super fussy, has a runny nose and a cough. I am pretty sure he is allergic to milk ,so glad to know Owen will soon be back to his happy self soon. So a few weeks ago we had the t-shirt party that I blogged about a few weeks ago. It was so much fun but alot more work for the girls shirts than anticipated. So much so that I don't have a finished one to show. We copied the white one shoulder shirt from the site The shirts we bought were to wide so we needed to cut them seam and tighten it up and that took the whole time because we were also managing babies while the boys were getting their creativity on. I only have a few pictures right now because I took pictures on Eriks blackberry and this is all he has sent me.
The first picture is one of the two shirts my husband made because he is oh so creative. Seriously, when we went to pick up the spray paint he picked up this hunter green and I was shocked. I was for sure he was going to pick up red, when I asked him what he was going to do he told me I had to wait till the next day to find out. Which means that he already had thought ahead to what he was going to make, not what I was expecting. He ended up cutting out templates for deer, scopes and trees for his tribute to hunting shirt. Note: it was really hard getting the spray paint to not bleed, you need to keep the can far enought away and you also want to do it alot thicked than you would think because it fades alot in the washing machine. The second picture is our friend/pastor Nate making a cute outfit for himself, just kidding, it is for his adorable son Caleb who is just a few weeks older than Owen. I was quite impressed. I will post some pictures soon of the progress Jen and I made on our shirts. For now that is all. Soon I will be blogging with pictures about the boys birthday party.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rain clouds

I was listening to a new song to me two nights ago called 'Grow' by JJ Heller, shout out to her, she is amazing! Anyways she gave me new perspective on trials. The song is about her asking these clouds to rain becuase IF WE DRY UP, WE DON'T GROW. It was a light bulb moment. I know trials make us grow but this song connected dots and brought a joy to me in thinking through trials and gave me peace in expecting them. We will dry up and not grow if there is no rain in our lives. Something to think about. Also I just borrowed this book frommy mother in law called," God knows my name." Good book and just a great reminder about how well we are known by Him.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This past week...

So lame, I just started this blog and then haven't posted for a few days. Owen and I both ended up with colds this past week and then our computer got a virus so we were out of commission for a bit but we are back in business. I started getting things ready for Owen and Erik's lumberjack party last night. I stamped blue ox's onto the invitation envelopes and on some tags I am going to attach to mustaches. I also went to FedEx and they printed up the invitation, $13 for 30 full color prints. On another note I finished the canvas I was working on. I didn't originally plan to paint anything on it but it needed something to help fill in some of the spaces. Now I know people say this a lot when they make something, "it is so easy, I swear," but this really was. I DO NOT paint. I can color things in but I do not attempt free hand usually but I didn't have a choice here, I couldn't find a stencil I liked. I wasn't to nervous either because I did about a 50/50 mix of white paint and water so I knew it was going to be watery and forgiving. I love the canvas and I am so excited to make another one but I need some inspiration first.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010


Last night at church we were going through Phil 2:17-30 and our Pastor was talking about what it means to be a missionary and asking us what our mission field is. My immediate response was Owen and Erik but I soon thought about my real, actual neighbors the ones who live just to the sides of me and the ones whose backyards I look into because in Colorado people don't have real fences. I am praying for God to show me real ways that I can extend Christ and His love to them. Nate, our pastor, gave an analogy I guess last night and it really impacted me. He said he had gone to a coffee shop that week to study and it was full of people. He went on to say that if he had been somewhere else in the world like Africa or China, he would see those people as lost souls, those he came to minister too. What makes the people he was with in Starbucks so different? Nothing. Just something to stir you up.